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Windows Software

June 06, 2011

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[Xweb-software download]             [Software purchase]             [Software Use Policy]

How do I get Windows software?

Step 1
Check to see whether the software you need is included in the standard suite

If YES: Please follow the instructions to see which software is already installed on the computer, and which needs the user to initiate installation.
If NO: Go to step 2

Step 2
Check to see if the software is available on the Xweb Windows Software Installation Site for download, and the licensing terms and/or purchase for the individual software.
If it is not available on the Windows Licensing Site, you can contact your local administrator if you would like the software to be supported.

If the software is not available on the Xweb Windows Software Installation Site, it can be purchased through the Software Bulk Purchase Program. Since SLAC has existing licensing contracts with many vendors, you should first start by using the Software Bulk Purchase Program to request new software.  This is the most economical way to purchase software, and individual purchases with vendors can be counter-productive for our site-licensing.

Finally, have you considered using a comparable program that is supported instead of purchasing a unique product? This will save the Lab time and money.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact your local administrator.

What do I need to know about SLAC Windows software licensing? 

Computer users must respect the copyrights and licenses to software and other on-line information.  Please read and comply with the licensing terms for using all SLAC licensed software.

Please also see the Stanford University Policy, page 2 'Copyrights and Licenses'.


How are Windows software updates done?

The methods for Windows XP software updates differ depending on the software.  See FAQ.
User FAQ -> Windows XP -> Software Updates for Windows XP clients


How are Windows security updates done?

These are done automatically during the month, see FAQ.
User FAQ -> Windows XP -> Security Updates for Windows XP clients




Last updated: 01/05/2012 09:15 -0800